Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Smile Makeover Consult

Smile Makeover Houston, TX

Receiving a smile makeover may be a good option for patients who are uncomfortable with the appearance of visible teeth that may be stained, crooked, or otherwise misaligned. It is important to talk with a licensed dentist before deciding on any specific procedure.

Services that make up a smile makeover

There is no one service that is termed a “smile makeover”; instead, the makeover is tailored to each patient’s wishes and specifications. A dentist can take into account the severity of staining and crookedness and recommend procedures accordingly. It is important to hold a consultation with a dentist to determine which services each patient needs as well as how long it may take to complete each procedure. Multiple appointments may need to be scheduled for more extreme cases.

A smile makeover may include basic cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening and replacement fillings that better match the patient’s natural teeth. It can also include veneers, bonding procedures, bridges, or implants to restore a severely damaged smile. Because even one missing tooth can alter the look of a patient’s smile as well as how others may perceive this person, smile makeovers are taken as seriously as any other dental procedure.

Common questions when consulting about a smile makeover

Dentists who have experience providing smile makeovers typically prioritize an overall healthy, balanced look rather than an artificial-looking or too-white smile. Patients should point out individual dental or appearance concerns to the dentist during the initial consultation.

How long will the results of the makeover last?

Patients who wish to restore the appearance of discolored or chipped teeth may be concerned that the original appearance of the teeth will return once the makeover wears off. Fortunately, with many services, such as those that involve implants to fill in gaps, bonding to repair issues of spacing, or new fillings to better match teeth, the smile makeover results can be permanent. Temporary procedures such as teeth whitening need to be repeated occasionally.

How realistic will the made-over teeth appear?

Many patients are concerned that receiving implants or having teeth whitened artificially will result in a fake or odd look. A smile makeover is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Many patients simply wish for the gaps to be corrected and teeth to be whitened one or two shades to a natural, aesthetically pleasing color.

Will the procedures be time-consuming or quick?

Depending on the severity of the patient’s case, the appointment may take only an hour or two or it could need to be spaced out over multiple appointments. Speak to the dentist for more details regarding specific procedures as well as the typical duration. Multiple procedures generally take longer to complete.


Planning a smile makeover can be an exciting event for a patient with discolored teeth and even a life-changing experience for someone whose natural teeth are chipped, stained, or damaged beyond repair. Schedule a consultation with a licensed dentist to determine which services are right for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Stacey N. Block DDS at (281) 500-9989 for an appointment in our Houston office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Smile Makeover in Houston, TX.

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